After Dhoom 2 and the absolutely aesthetic kiss with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Hrithik will be seen doing a number of lip-locks with Barbara Mori in his next release, the much-anticipated Kites. When asked about it Hrithik is amused. “Why are we even talking about kissing? Is that such a big deal ? Hasn’t our cinema grown up? Yes, there’re kissing scenes in the film. But nothing to make me squirm. In fact I’d be more than happy and completely comfortable watching those kissing scenes with my wife, son and parents when the film is released.” “We were both supposed to jump off from a rooftop at an impossible height. Before we did so our director Anurag Basu suggested I kiss Barbara since we were doing something dead-defying and dangerous and potentially lethal. I reached out and kissed her on the cheeks. Barbara turned around to ask why I had kissed her on the cheek. ‘Given the same situation with your real-life wife Sussanne would you kiss her on the cheeek?’ I was floored by her logic.” The take was repeated. “And this time I kissed her the way real-life couples would in the situation. On the lips,” says Hrithik with matter-of-fact directness.
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