Vivek Sharma has finally signed on Amitabh Bachchan for his next production titled Buddham Sharanam Gachchami. The film, named after a Buddhist chant, will preach non-violence and try to uncover the psyche of the people who turn to violence. Sharma had approached Bachchan with the script when they were working together on Bhootnath, and the Big B has finally signed on the dotted line. Vivek says the subject is very close to his heart, “In fact, I had discussed the project with Mr Bachchan during Bhoonath and he had shown interest.
Now I am happy that he’s agreed to be a part of the film. Vivek plans to finalise the rest of his cast in the coming days and has already begun pre-production work. If everything goes well, then I plan to release the film next year in October during Gandhi Jayanti. I plan to get the top actors in the industry on board for the film. Getting another opportunity to work with Mr Bachchan is definitely thrilling. When asked if he’s worried that Buddhist groups might take offense to his title, he says, “No, why should they?
When they watch the movie it will be clear, why I have used it. In fact, it preaches the Buddhist doctrine of non-violence. The director adds that Bachchan will sport three different looks in the film, “It will definitely show him in a different light. I plan to meet Rahman for the music. The film will have a Sufi sound which only he can deliver.”